November 3, 2008

Watching every penny?

Most businesses are these days, but in the outsourced representative business, many pennies go out the door as unidentified “soft costs”. Those expenses incurred representing your manufacturing partners in the territory, but not reimbursed or even recognized as a significant portion of the cost of sales. Tracking expenses directly related to a partner (lunch and learns, trade shows, travel to factory meetings, etc.) are only part of the problem, other expenses that are difficult to track include meals or entertainment, out of territory travel, promotion and material supplies, and many others. RepConcerts unique expense (and mileage) tracking module allows users to enter their expenses directly into the application, linking each to an applicable Manufacturer, Distributor and/or End Customer. Users can even allocate percentages of an expense to multiple partners for increased granularity in tracking where all those pennies are going. Imagine rolling up reports like all non-reimbursed expenses by manufacturer, or total expense for supporting a customer or distributor last quarter. This is a simple process that can yield a wealth of information.

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