January 5, 2008

Fine-Tuning the Channel

Anyone who has responsibility for a representative sales channel should read this article, especially if you’re not an IT person... “Fine-Tuning the Channel - They're not exactly employees, and they're not quite customers, but your channel partners can be equally important -- and you can't just direct them by remote control.” http://www.destinationCRM.com/articles/default.asp?ArticleID=7469&ml=3 My favorite passage – “In closing, Dickie (Jim Dickie is a partner with research firm CSO Insights) reiterates the importance of having a living, breathing, evolving program as opposed to a static portal where the "partner stuff" goes to die.”Products and partners have ups and downs; you must constantly reevaluate them," Dickie says. "Not just for one channel -- every channel. Not as a one-time event, but continually."”

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